
A guide to using content to support B2B lead generation


"If you write it, they will come."

We're talking about content creation.

And the 'they' we're referring to are those high-value B2B leads that every business wants more of.

So let's dive right in. Here's your guide to using content to supercharge your B2B lead generation strategy


A well-executed B2B email campaign will help you generate, nurture, and convert more leads.

If you haven't already, then invest in some email marketing software with automated features. It will help you scale up your email lead-generation campaigns and click-through rates. Big time. 

Automated emails (like welcome messages to a new lead) have a 70.5% higher open rate and 152% higher click-through rate than generic emails. Overall, email automation software can increase your qualified leads by over 450%(!) and nurture 10% more leads through the final stage of the sales funnel.

Personalise your messages to provide the kind of experiences B2B targets expect. And leverage segmentation features to ensure your emails reach the right customers.

Use your CRM or email maker software to monitor, evaluate, and refine your lead-generation email campaigns and messaging, focusing on crucial metrics, including

  • Open rate
  • Click-through rate
  • Unsubscribe rate
  • Bounce rate
A web browser open on a laptop with Gmail open


Newsletters are a powerful lead-generation tool. They're great for keeping conversations going with your B2B leads and sharing important product or company information that can persuade them to become (or remain) paying and loyal customers. 

A newsletter is only as good as its subscriber list. There are many ways to pump up those subscriber numbers, including:

  • Landing pages/pop-ups/website banners
  • Gated content, i.e. access to a free whitepaper in exchange for an email address
  • Incentives/instant offers for first-time subscribers
  • Linking the newsletter signup page to your email signature
  • Adding signup links to your social media accounts

Keep the signup page as short and simple as possible, like a name and email address box. Or maybe just an email box.

Messaging should also be concise but value-driven and 100% risk-free. For example, "Get the latest news and offers delivered straight to your inbox for free."

And be open and honest about how you'll use customer data. It will encourage more signups, giving you more fresh leads to target. Make the messaging fun and personalised to drive more engagement. Instead of regurgitating some dry GDPR legislation, use something like "Spam is super annoying. We promise never to send you any!"

Blog posts 

Blogs are one of the best ways to generate and nurture leads. In fact, if you want to impress those high-value B2B targets and prospects, producing informative and SEO-optimised blog posts is essential.

On average, B2B in-market buyers read two to three blog posts during the awareness and consideration phases of the buying cycle. They also share the best and most persuasive blog posts with other senior leaders involved in B2B purchasing decisions. This is why B2B marketers that blog generate 67% more leads than their non-blogging counterparts.

Blog content should be targeted and highly relevant. In other words, it needs to be based on the kind of questions and queries B2B leads are searching for during the early stage of the buying process. 

This will require some keyword and search intent research and detailed research into your target audience's needs, wants, and common pain points. 

Blogs are a crucial part of the buying journey for B2B leads. But it's important to remember that blogs are not there to sell - or at least not directly. Instead, blogs are there to educate and inform. When reading blogs, B2B buyers are nowhere near ready to buy. Rather, they're gathering information and data on whether they want or even need to buy.

The best B2B business blogs acknowledge a problem, discuss it in more detail, and then provide a potential solution, along with a subtle CTA to nurture the lead along the right purchasing path, i.e. the one that ends with you!


eBooks are a lead magnet for B2B leads. They provide the detailed and data-backed insights B2B in-market buyers look for when considering a big purchase. 

An eBook is a serious piece of work that requires lots of planning and research and the right person to write it. It would help if you considered the following:

1. Topic

Identify a topic in line with your target audience's interests, relevant to what your business offers, and with which you have previous success/experience.  

2. Scheduling and writing

eBooks are anywhere between 5,000 to 20,000 words. Depending on the length, writing, planning, and publishing an eBook can take a few days or a few months. 

Begin your eBook project well before publication, allowing plenty of time for revisions and edits. And if you haven't got an expert, in-house wordsmith, outsource the project to an experienced freelancer or agency with years of proven industry experience.

3. Designing

An eBook isn't a novel. And it's definitely not a textbook, So it shouldn't look like either one. 

Use bright colours, different fonts, pictures, bullet points, and even videos to break up the text, making your eBook more visually appealing and engaging. 

And integrate charts, data, and graphs to back up your claims, providing the kind of authority B2B leads are looking for during the research stage of their buying journey.

Someone designing something on a laptop, on their desks they have a drawing pad, colour charts and pens

Solution Briefs

Solution briefs are the unsung heroes of B2B content marketing. These concise documents are designed to quickly inform your leads about the specific solutions your product or service offers. They're perfect for leads who are already considering a purchase and need that final nudge.

Think of solution briefs as your product's elevator pitch. They should be short, no more than six pages, and focus on the benefits and features of your solutions. Start by addressing a common pain point, then present your solution as the hero of the day.

Graphics and bullet points work wonders here, making the information easily digestible. Remember, the goal is to make your lead think, "This is exactly what I need!"


Infographics are the eye candy of content marketing, turning complex data into visually appealing, easy-to-understand graphics. They're particularly effective in the B2B space, where time is precious, and information is king.

A well-designed infographic can simplify complex data, highlight trends, and offer insights in a more engaging way than text alone. They are shareable, making them perfect for social media, and they help boost your brand's visibility.

To make an effective infographic, focus on telling a story. Start with a compelling headline, use data to support your narrative, and end with a conclusion that ties back to your solution. Remember, clarity is key; the data should speak for itself.


Flyers might seem old school, but in the B2B world, they're still very relevant. They're tangible, versatile, and can make a significant impact at trade shows, meetings, or as part of a direct mail or sales calling campaign.

Your flyer should be a blend of compelling design and persuasive content. It should encapsulate what your product or service does and what it offers. Use bold headlines, engaging visuals, and bullet points to convey your message quickly.

Remember, your flyer is often the first impression a potential lead has of your brand. Make it count by being clear, concise, and visually striking.


Guides, whether they are how-to guides or implementation manuals, are a fantastic way to establish your brand as a thought leader and a trusted advisor in your industry. They offer practical value to your leads and help them solve specific problems or implement solutions more effectively.

A good guide is detailed, well-structured, and focused on the reader's needs. Start with a clear understanding of your audience's pain points and then provide a step-by-step solution. Use real-life examples, best practices, and tips to add more value.

Don't forget to include a call-to-action. After providing them with valuable information, guide them on what to do next. Whether it's contacting your sales team, downloading more resources, or signing up for a demo, make sure the next step is clear.

Long-form articles

Long-form content refers to articles of around 1,200 words or longer. It can include longer blogs, detailed guides, research reports, or whitepapers.

Long-form content provides a deep-dive analysis of complex topics and business trends. As such, it's perfect content for targeting and persuading B2B leads who want to gather as much data and information as possible before making a decision.

Moreover, long-form content helps B2B brands establish trust and credibility. By writing long-form content, you're demonstrating your industry knowledge and expertise, positioning yourself as a thought leader and a brand that understands the problems and solutions B2B leads are considering.

Optimising your long-form with high intent and common keywords/phrases will help you appear near the top of Google's search engine results. 

Use social media and email campaigns to promote your latest whitepapers and research reports.

Pillar pages are perfect for promoting and formatting long-form content.

Pillar pages are high-level content that provides broad overviews of a core topic and links to other in-depth articles about related subtopics. The pillar-page model is excellent for SEO optimisation. It allows you to demonstrate authority, add crucial context to your online content, and improve site architecture and technical SEO ranking factors with internal linking.

Our expert B2B marketing team

AXD is a specialist copywriting and content marketing agency based in Manchester. We create original content for SaaS and technology firms that ranks high on Google and converts views into leads and leads into sales.

Book a free discovery call to learn more. 

Great content sets the best brands apart. Let's make you one of them.

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