5 ways to increase SaaS sales

If you're a business owner selling SaaS products, you know that it can be a difficult process. It takes time and effort to find the right prospects, build relationships with them, and close the sale. But don't worry - there are plenty of sales and marketing tactics that you can use to make the process easier. Here are some of the most effective techniques to try!
1. Setup PPC advertising directed to a VSL (Video Sales Letter) landing page
Let’s get started with a fast, effective, and super simple way to boost your pipeline. Load up your Pay Per Click advertising accounts with adverts and launch on search engines and social media pointing towards a landing page. For this to be super effective you will need a clear understanding of your target markets, the problems your product solves, and have the ability to write and design sharpshooting campaigns targeted at prospects at each stage of the buyer journey. Think about advertising with content designed for awareness, consideration, and decision, then build a landing page designed with conversions in mind. That means concise copy, a clear call to action, and ideally an engaging video of a presenter exciting the visitor and warming them towards the page conversion.
2. Implement Account Based Marketing (ABM)
Use ABM techniques to develop valuable relationships with your target audience. The process for B2B sales is simple – a solid reputation makes it easier to build relationships, relationships in B2B lead to revenue. An ABM playbook follows this process – REPUTATION, RELATIONSHIPS, REVENUE.
Your playbook should include investing in the reputation of your key personnel and sales team through hosting webinars, building their profile through insights, podcasts, videos, interviews, etc. Building their reputation simplifies their outreach process with target accounts. Your company is no longer an unknown in your target market and your outreach team are knowledge leaders, rather than bottom feeders. Outreach is lukewarm, not stone-cold meaning response rates will improve and business development returns will compound. A top tip is to introduce specifically developed, targeted, valuable content into the outreach content to optimise success.
3. Host a webinar
If you want to close sales quickly, why not host a webinar? In fact, if you are wanting a lot of sales quickly, why not host a webinar with a sales promotion!?!
Webinars remove barriers between you and your buyer. If done correctly, they create an environment of validation and proof of knowledge and authority, and considering prospects spend 27% of their time doing direct research, they are a great opportunity for your sales teams to provide information to aid buyer decision making. They also provide an awesome excuse to get in touch with a target client or a prospect out of the blue, and when used in conjunction with a time-limited sales promotion, there isn’t too many better ways of bringing in business.
4. Create high quality customer success stories
Moving through the stages of the buyer journey to decision and we’re onto the current meta of the B2B marketing world. Every company has case studies or success stories, but there is a huge variation in their quality and therefore impact. Why are they important? Well, according to HubSpot, only 3% of buyers trust salespeople. And, in an increasingly homogenous SaaS and tech world, where products share many features and service standards are similar, perceived differentiation is vital. This is where HQ customer success stories come into their own. So, what should a success story look like? Well, unfortunately for marketing budgets, the most impactful success stories are video. They require writing and production planning and should follow a proven storytelling framework, like Disney, or hero, or PAS. And if you can get that right you will see your lead and demonstration conversion rates boom, as prospects have the confidence to put their job on the line by selecting your solution.
5. Optimise your product demonstrations
Finally, we’re on to optimising your product demonstration. At this point, you have done the hard work. You have invested sales and marketing time and money on getting the prospect to this stage. Now it’s time to build excitement, showcase your product and close that deal. To do this keep it simple, remove all jargon, and tailor your communication to solving your prospect’s problems. Ideally, this would involve having a list of problems your product solves and be able to call upon a demonstration environment set up to showcase your solution in that light. Too many companies are obsessed with their product and demonstrating every single feature. The learning is prospects are not interested, they are looking for a solution to solve their problem, so make sure every line of communication is tailored to that and you’ll see your demonstration conversion rates soar.
The tactics we’ve outlined are tried and tested methods for increasing SaaS sales. If you want to see an increase in your product sales, try implementing some of these strategies. At the very least, they will help you better understand your customers and their needs.
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